Pressure tanks
General information
The tanks are produced according to the regulation of the Industry, Labour and Social Affairs Ministry dated from 8th May, 2003 about essential requirements for pressure accompliances. The regulation puts the 97/23/WE pressure directive into practice.
Produced tanks are designed for:
- gases, liquefied gases, dissolved gases under pressure, steam and the liquids with the steam pressure, at the highest allowable temperature, to be higher than air pressure which is about 1,013 mbars but higher by 0.5 bars.
- Liquids with the working pressure, at the highest allowable temperature, no more than usual air pressure which is about 1,013 mbars but higher by 0.5 bars.
The liquids to be in the tanks [gases, liquids or gases and liquids] can be encountered into 1st or 2nd groups.
The 1st group liquid – covers dangerous liquid:
- extremely flammable,
- wysoce łatwopalne, high flammable,
- flammable, when the highest allowable temperature is higher that the ignition temeprature,
- very toxic,
- toxic,
- oxidizing to be defined in the regulations about clasification criteria and clasification methods for chemical substances and preparations;
The 2nd group liquid – covers the liquids not to be mentioned in the first group. It covers most of food liquids.
The tanks are designed for storing food agents in the aseptic conditions. It is done through washing and sterilizing processes as well as keeping ultrapressure till and before the tank is filled. The tank is equipped with aseptic fittings. The DN50 pipe is mounted along the tank coat – welded from one side to the upper bottom and leveled at 1800mm. There is a sterile valve with the vakuomanometre at the end of the pipeline together with a filter and a fermentative pipe. DIN11851 connectors are aseptic. The over and underpressure valves are installed. The supply joint DN20 is aseptic for washing and sterilizing with no unmounting.
Tanks are designed for storing some dangerous, harmful, toxic, poisoneous, caustic, flammable liquid according to the regulations.
- The Industry Ministry Regulation dated from 18th September 2001 about the technical requirements for technical supervising which the non-pressure and low-pressure tanks should apply to and which are designed for storing liquid flammable materials.
- The Industry Ministry Regulation dated from 16th April 2002 about the technical requirements for technical supervising which the non-pressure and low-pressure tanks should apply to and which are designed for storing poisoneous or caustic materials.