Non insulated tanks
The tanks are designed for storing or for being used as buffering tanks in the technological processes with food liquids such as:
- water (demineralised water),
- fruit juice,
- fruit pulp,
- retentat,
- fruit concentrate,
- wine,
- milk and dairy products,
- acid, alkali,
- other food liquid and those being aggressive
The tanks may be equipped with insulation.
The tanks are designed for storing or for being used as buffering tanks in the technological processes with food liquids such as:
- water (demineralised water),
- fruit juice,
- fruit pulp,
- retentat,
- fruit concentrate,
- wine,
- milk and dairy products,
- acid, alkali,
- other food liquid and those being aggressive
The tanks may be equipped with insulation. - „ZIH” tank symbol
The tanks are designed for food agents processing.
The tanks are designed for:
technological processes
- removing pectin from juice,
- pulp processing,
- wine production,
- coffee production,
making liquid at various content and acidity fiat
- fruit concentrates standarisation,
- fruit juice preparation,
preventing from splitting solid and liquid fases
- inter-processing component storing,
- add-ons preparations,
- other applications.